Saturday, May 24, 2008

Love the Doing

There are many reasons why people enter into a ministry, but one thing that I have determined over these many years is that no matter what you do there is one thing that is going to have to happen for you to keep the burden for that ministry. That one thing is that you have to love the doing. I have thought about this numerous times and I put together an example of what I am talking about:
1. If you are in it for the crowd, what if only one shows up?
2. If your in it for the results, what if they don't come soon enough?
3. If your in it for the praise, what if you don't receive any?
4. If your in it for a person, what if they let you down?
If you asked yourself these questions truthfully I know they made you examine yourself. Now if you truly love the doing than you will answer these as follows:
1. If only one shows up, that one is still going to receive all I had for the many!
2. If the results do not come, I had an awesome time in the process!
3. If I don't receive any praise, I still love to do it!
4. If someone lets me down, I am still going to keep going!
Fall in love with what you are doing because if you do, it will be easy for you to adapt to any situation that comes your way. I love what I do and in some of the fields we work in, the number of kids changes from week to week. One week you may have 1 child and the other 10. We prepare for about 15 and we are not the least bit hindered by only 1 coming. If I have only one child I feel like Jesus knew that one child needed all that we had that day. Do all that you do for the Lord because in 1 Corinthians 15:58 Paul says "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (KJV). Basically fall in love with the doing because when you are doing it for him you know what you have done will never be done in vain. JHK


Music Eloquence said...

Excellent post!! If we do everything as unto the Lord, as we should, we have an understanding that there is an eternal and not a temporal (and very fleeting) reward such as recognition and praise. I love "doing" for the Lord. I am even more thankful that I am ABLE to "do" for the Lord.
Col 3:23-24
3 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

~Kimberly~ said...

I believe it!! God is not the author of confusion and He always knows what is the VERY BEST!! He will perfect that perfect work which he has begun in us.

And that one little child that did show up on a particular day, well, that one needed all the love of Jesus Christ that could be shared!

It's all about HIM.

Love you guys~Kimi

AnthonyAlex said...

You know, that is awesome! That is so true! I've heard of people getting burnt out and I've wondered how you get burnt out on something that is supposed to be a ministry and how do you prevent from getting burnt out?? I Everybody needs a day off once in a while, for example, but lets not get weary in well doing! Your thoughts make perfect sense!

Natalie said...

Awesome! I am so sore from today and it's the best feeling in the world!!! lol I know that may sound strange but it means that I really did give my all in working for the Lord. NO PAIN NO GAIN haha! Plus, what fun we had!!!!! I can't wait to see all the pictures!