Sunday, June 22, 2008

June Bug Day

What an awesome time we had at June Bug Day!! We had a great turn out. In case you are wondering, June Bug Day is an annual fund raiser for Victim Services at DHR. God gave us such favor with this event. They gave us the option of being inside the building or outside. Of course, we chose inside. And we had the whole side of the building to do our activities. Not only did we do the puppet shows, we also had crafts for the kids and games. While all of this is awesome in itself, in the middle of the activities, a man comes up to us and ask if we would come to the projects and do an hour long show!! God just keeps opening doors where we never thought or imagined we would go. He is using this puppet ministry like never before. Through this, we are having revival!! We would like to give special thanks to the Artis' and the Community Development outreach team for helping at June Bug Day. You guys are awesome!

Puppet Boot Camp

Puppet Boot Camp was a great success. The team did a tremendous job. We learned so much.
We would like to give special thanks to Sis. Amy Alexander for all of her hard work. She was the mastermind behind the entire thing. We took lots of pictures and were ready for June Bug Day the following Saturday. Thanks to everyone who turned out and worked so hard! We appreciate you sacrificing your time. Without you guys it would not have been a success. And a big thanks to Bro. Ken Artis for grilling all the food for us.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This word has been rummaging through my mind in prayer especially in terms of teaching, as it pertains to who we really are and what we really are about. Ask yourself what your identity is and what Jesus has anointed you to do? If you are a Sunday school teacher are you merely anointed for Sunday morning? Are you only anointed to teach one age of children? Are you anointed to teach only with certain material? The identity of this ministry is to teach a child about Jesus anywhere we can, anytime we can, and with whatever is available to teach with. Our identity is not a classroom, the number of children we are given to teach, or a certain day of the week. Just as our identity as a witness of Jesus Christ cannot be regulated to certain days of the week neither is the anointing to teach. Use every opportunity to teach a child about Jesus regardless of the place, the time, or the number. Though I don’t know the circumstances behind this comment of Abraham Lincoln I believe in the message it speaks as he once stated “No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child." As Jesus instructed his disciples when he said “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” do the same and lead them right to him. JHK

Stay tuned for “Boot Camp 2008”